E. Kathleen Pence was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma and chose to build her law practice in her home town. Ms. Pence attended the University of Tulsa for her undergraduate degree and returned to the University of Tulsa to obtain her Juris Doctorate in 2011. Ms. Pence has numerous and varied experiences in the legal field from working for multiple judges at the Tulsa County Courthouse prior to attending law school, to working in a medium-sized insurance defense firm, to striking out on her own in 2012 to form a small law firm. Ms. Pence then founded Pence Law Firm as a solo practitioner, which opened its doors on January 1, 2016.
Ms. Pence is an active member of the Oklahoma Bar Association and the Tulsa County Bar Association. Ms. Pence is currently serving as the Chairperson of the Law School/Mentoring Committee of the Tulsa County Bar Association. Ms. Pence is also active in the Litigation and Bench and Bar Sections of the Tulsa County Bar Association. In addition to her participation in the local legal community, Ms. Pence was chosen from applicants throughout the State of Oklahoma to participate in the Oklahoma Leadership Academy for the Oklahoma Bar Association as a rising leader in the legal profession.
In addition to her passion for the legal community, Ms. Pence has a love for the fine arts. As a life-long musician, Ms. Pence obtained her undergraduate degree in music and still seeks involvement in the arts community. To that end, Ms. Pence became a Member of the Board of Directors for Tulsa Camerata, a local chamber group that specializes in top-notch performances of beautiful and accessible works by lesser known composer, and continues to serve support Tulsa Camerata in its endeavors.
Ms. Pence focuses her legal work in civil litigation (which includes personal injury, contract disputes, real property/title disputes, and recovery of property), probate, estates, divorce, child custody, and guardianships.
Publications: Pence, K. (2015 March). What Behavior Should Be Considered Unprofessional? Tulsa Lawyer Magazine, 10-11.
Licensed to Practice: State of Oklahoma, Northern District of Oklahoma, Western District of Oklahoma, Eastern District of Oklahoma.
Professional Affiliations: Oklahoma Bar Association, Tulsa County Bar Association, OBA Leadership Academy.
Areas of Leadership:
Oklahoma Bar Association Teller's Committee 2016-2017
Tulsa County Bar Association Delegate 2016-2018
Tulsa County Bar Association Law School/Mentoring Committee Chair 2016-2017
Tulsa County Bar Association Estate Planning and Probate Section Co-Chair 2015-2016
Tulsa County Bar Association Professionalism Committee Co-Chair 2015-2016
Tulsa County Bar Association Professionalism Committee Chair-Elect 2016-2017
Oklahoma Bar Association Leadership Academy Member 2015-2016